
Instruction for conductors of

Orchestras, Choirs & Bands

Wayne Toews
Saito method text

2025 Sask. Orchestral Assn. International SAITO Conducting Workshop

July 19 - 26, 2025 in Saskatoon, SK, Canada


"The workshop is still one of the greatest life changing moments in my career!"                             - Dr. Scott MacLennan

"This workshop was a life-changing experience. The combination of a clear, concise methodology and sequential pedagogy coupled with a vocabulary of gestures make the Saito method superior. Mr. Toews is a gifted musician and teacher and the entire experience was incredible." -- Dr. Philip Baldwin

Click on the underlined links to download the documents in PDF.

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Workshop description

Application/Registration form (fillable) 


Accommodation   The university will accept bookings beginning in mid-March 2025.

NOTE - some browsers don't allow connection to the links in the PDFs until they are downloaded.

Hideo Saito's analysis of conducting gestures provides the key to conducting with precision and artistry. In particular. his identification of the secondary point and ingenious use of From-point gestures are not taught elsewhere. Join the community of conductors who have used these ideas at the highest level.

This is a first-rate conducting workshop provided at an affordable price.  The devaluation of the Canadian dollar has made it even better for those coming from outside Canada!

This is a project of the Saskatchewan Orchestral Association

SOA logo

with funding from


Click here to read other comments from participants in previous workshops

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© 2005 Wayne Toews. All rights reserved.


Page updated 5December2024